Phio Access is a web app designed to triage any MSK condition and signpost patients to the most appropriate care path.
Role: Head of Design - Product Designer - Motion Designer
Team: 1x Senior UX Designer, 1x Mid-Weight UI Designer, 5 Developers, 1x QA Tester.
Design a digital solution to assess patients with MSK conditions and signpost them to the most suitable care path.
We needed to talk to patients and identify what they were struggling with in traditional care paths. We discovered a lot of opportunities we could explore to serve them better. These have driven all our assumptions and the entire design process. We then validated those through several user testing.
Understanding the condition of the patient through a series of questions is essential to understand what they are suffering from. We also discovered that the way we ask those questions was as important if not more, for patients to trust us as a medical authority.
We decided to go with a chatbot. This would implement the decision tree with the right tone of voice and would also future-proof the implementation of the differential A.I. model.
To assess our patients’ condition we need to understand where their pain is located.
We explored a few options. The option that tested best was the one where they could select the pain area on a human form.
We went for a 2D version for MVP1 but exploring more intuitive 3D options for MVP2.
Another important factor that helps us identify our patients’ condition is knowing their pain intensity. Here again, we explored a few scales but we ended up creating our own as none of the existing ones tested high enough.
We went for a combination of numbers, icons and descriptions. This combination gave patients the confidence that they were assessing their pain accurately.
Understanding the location and intensity of the pain helps us narrow down the condition to a few options but to get the most accurate diagnostics we need to refine this understanding as much as possible.
The best way we found to achieve that was to ask patients to do a series of guided movements and ask them which one was the most painful.
The “Aha“ moment for our patients, when it comes to Phio, is understanding what their condition is and what they need to do to get better.
Giving them a clear understanding of what their condition might be is key here and so is signposting them to the most suitable care path as fast as possible. By doing so, we ensure they increase their chances of a full recovery.
Ensuring patients take the next step of their recovery journey is critical to ensure they have the best chances at a full recovery.
We found that showing them positive prognostics and tips boosted their motivation and increased the likelihood of them taking action by 800%.
Those whose next step was « Self Management » increased their « Phio Engage » acquisition rate by 1000% and retention rate by 500%.
Accessibility is critical to ensure everyone has access to this instant assessment.
As a Google startup, we have access to the Google stack and can therefore translate the whole experience in any language out of the box.
MVP 2 will see the implementation of other tools like “Speech to Text“ and “Text to Speech“ to ensure we include patients with visual impairment or reading disabilities.
In June 2019, we presented the product at the Google campus where we received high volumes of interest from clients and investors alike. These partnerships have been vital for the survival and expansion of the company.